I love all the art by 3 Fish Studios, and this CalFire print is especially moving. It captures the beauty of California has and the difficulties it faces.
I am in LOVE with this print! As a native Californian, married to a native Californian, and with two Californian native children, the resources of this gorgeous state are a priority for me.
Calfire has my vote, as do Annie & Eric for their obvious love and devotion to this state!
Thanks so much, guys, you’re THE BEST!!!
Special thanks to Annie and Eric for creating this powerful image to raise funds for CalFire fighters and their families.
Such a nice tribute to the men and women that protect us from forest fires. And this is a nice way to help the people who have been hurt by fires in a little way. I have several 3fish pieces and I love them all!
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to own another piece of Annie’s amazing art and support Cal Fire at the same time.